I played Andre twice last night. Both times he played Nemo.
I played CerealJohn's (Getting Small)
(http://newtowarmachine.blogspot.com) Amon list in both games (sorry
John, it looked like too much fun)
High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
Idrian Skirmishers
>Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide (2)
Choir of Menoth (6)
Vassal of Menoth
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Deliverer Sunbust Crew
I think he played the following:
Storm Guard (full)
Stormsmith (3)
Journeyman Warcaster
Game 1
I had first turn, I followed John's advice to run the Sunburst onto a
hill and camp it out. Worked marginally well. As I am still new to WM
I failed to allocate focus to jacks for two turns (luckily though my
opponent was very understanding). Skirmishers preyed on the Storm
Guards this game. I forgot to go to ground after running them into the
forest at the center of the table. They got beat, bad. Chain Lightning
fried most of them through auto hits arcing from his Stormclad. The
remaining 2 Skirmishers charged a Stormsmith and killed him before being
obliterated next turn.
Bottom of the second turn Nemo feated while within range of all my
jacks. He hit two of the three disrupting them. Damn. But the
vanquisher with LOS to him was unharmed (woot!) Top of turn four
allocate three focust to the sole Vanquisher who can take focus and
upkept synergy, Amon activates and casts Mobility and moves outta the
way. Activate what's left of my choir and sing Battle Hymn to the
Vanquisher. Vanquisher activates and charges Nemo (unprotected in a
forest), Vanquisher squishes Nemo good.
Game 2.
Again I had first turn, I allowed Andre to tune his list a bit, he and I
felt he needed more arc nodes in the list (he was only running one in
the first game). I set up behind a building with most of the army save
the Sunburst. Similar to last game I ran the Sunburst first turn and
all the rest. Also similar to the first game the Idrians got squished
VERY early, never even getting off one CRA. Flying monks went up the
flanks hoping to catch Nemo from behind. Unfortunately Catherine
Laddermore met one and he was forced to fillet her horse. Laddermore
tried to exact vengeance for her steed unsuccessfully and of course the
monk whalloped her for that lack of respect.
Elsewhere on the battlefield one Vanquisher tried a shot at the unit of
storm guard and missed horribly only to scatter onto all but one member
of the unit, setting them all ablaze. Rolling the blast damage took out
one or two then during the next turn one Storm Guard was able to
extinguish himself while all but one other died in a fire.
During all this a Charger popped the flying monk who killed Laddermore.
Thorn and the Stormclad were threatening Amon's position along with a
Charger coming through the woods. Chain lightning happens. Amon got
zapped twice and died.
Menoth 1, Cygnar 1
Thoughts: I think Vanquishers with their auto fire will be staples in my
eFeora lists in MKII along with a Vassal. I either was playing the
Idrians way wrong or they are VERY weak in the current format. I've
never played them in MKI so I cannot compare to their previous
iteration. The Sunburst was decent, hit its mark once and squished a
Journeyman Warcaster and most of a Charger, but no other amazing feats.
The flying monks feel like solo and caster hunters and seem to do their
job well with high mobility and solid hitting power on the charge. The
Dervish seems like it could have more mobility using the spell of the
same name and its Sidestep ability, but I was unable to put all my ducks
in a row to get it all set up for a slice 'n' dice run. Maybe next
Overall record:
Cygnar - 2/1/0
Protectorate of Menoth - 0/0/0
Khador - 0/0/0
Cryx - 0/0/0
Mercs - 0/0/0
Trollbloods - 0/0/0
Circle of Orboros - 0/0/0
Skorne - 0/0/0
Legion of Everblight - 0/0/0
Overall Win Pct: .666
Sweet another convert to the true faith :)
ReplyDeleteWorst of all he left Trolls to play Protectorate. :) Good thing we like him already or it would be the boot for him.